How to decode a chronogram:
Consider each single upper case letter as a Roman numeral, and add them together. For example, IX in a chronogram represents eleven rather than nine, since it decodes as I + X (one plus ten).
Chronogram in the title:
Title transcription: DoMI et patrIae VIVIt herVs, forIs et eXterIs VIXIt CLarVs
Date transcription: a. Dom. MDCCIII [1703]
Note: Title inscribed around portrait forms a chronogram for 1703
Comment on title: transcribed with small caps as lower case to preserve the chronogram (Per 0G2.3, "Where there is good reason to assume that a chronogram is being used, do not convert letters considered part of the chronogram from uppercase to lowercase, or from lowercase to uppercase")
Question on title: I wasn't sure how to punctuate the title; it looks on the piece like it's meant to be a two-line rhyme, with a break after "herVs." There's a full-stop after "herVs" on the piece; I converted it to a comma to keep the pause without having to make the "f" in "forIs" upper case.
Comment on date: although the chronogram in the title indicates the date 1703, the date also appears in ordinary Roman numerals, below the portrait. This date is transcribed in the date element.
Source: British Museum 1838,0420.154
Chronogram in the date:
Title transcription: Janssenisten en Munniken-zeef
Date transcription: [1705]
Note: Date of publication derived from chronogram: en Iste IrrItat CrIbro MonaChos DIspergens
Source: British Museum 1882,0812.427
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